First let me introduce myself my name is Stefan Mensen and I’m the Art Director on this project.
Somethimes you need a custom tool to safe yourself a lot of time.
So that’s what we did, we made our own “Grass creation tool”
First we mark the area by notes and drop them on the surface.

Then we create grass that we place on our terrain chunks within these nodes. And since each blade of grass has the same fake physics done by a shader so they are surprisingly cheap to use.

We then implemented:
- Variable scaling
- Variable RotationV
- Variable Density

And finally we add a pool of grass meshes and materials. And since its created at a random seed all you need to do is hit generate again to get a different look every time.

And this tool does not limit itself to just grass. For example we use it on our beaches as well to place small rocks and some tall grass.